Project Result 1_The Book
It is a formal intellectual output that contains all the documents, analysis, official reports, examples of best
practices, etc. produced during the implementation of the project.
Project Result 2_End Magazine
It is an informal output containing photos, videos, comments and messages produced by the students
during the implementation of the project (LTTAs).
Project Result 3_ A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility – Are you prepared? Know what to do
in time
It is a formal output – a short handbook – that contains an introductory article from BBC on climate change
and its effects on our planet, a dictionary of words related to natural disasters, the same dictionary in the
partners languages, both created by our students, the lesson plans created by the partner students and
teachers, the links to the genially games and survival guide created by our students.
Project Result 4_ Assessment through gamification
They are two sets of games created by our students on the topics dealt with in the lesson plans – naturals
disasters, what to do in case of a natural disaster, first aid in case of an emergency.
Project Result 5_A Survival Guide
it is a very practical booklet created by our students and intended for the young that, using a very simple
language, provides definitions of the main types of disasters identified during the implementation of the
project, an emergency training program (what to do in case of a disaster?), some “first aid” actions
illustrated by drawings, the survival kit, European and national emergency contact numbers to be called in
case of an emergency.